Matthew 14
The Death of John the Baptist
1 In that opportune-time1 Herod the tetrarch heard the fame2 of Jesus. 2 and he said to all his servants: This is John the baptizer, he is risen from the dead, and because of this are the powers3 working in him. 3 For Herod having laid hold of John bound [him] and put [him] in prison because of Herodias the wife of Phillip his brother. 4 For John was saying to him: It is not allowed for you to be having her. 5 And wishing to kill him he feared the crowd, because they counted him as [a] prophet. 6 So when Herod's birthday came to pass Herodias' daughter danced before them and pleased Herod. 7 And so with an oath he promised4 to her to do whatever she would ask5 . 8 So having been induced by her mother she told [him], Give me here upon [a] plate the head of John the baptizer. 9 And [though] the king was pained by the oaths and those reclining at table with him, he ordered it be given [her]. And having sent he beheaded John in the prison. And his head was brought upon [a] plate and given the damsel, and she brought [it] to her mother. 12 And his disciples having come, they took the corpse and buried him, and having come they reported [it] to Jesus.The Feeding of the Five Thousand
13 Now Jesus having heard, he went out from there in [a] boat to [a] deserted place by himself. And when the crowd heard they followed him on foot from their cities. 14 And having come out he saw [a] great crowd, and had compassion on them and healed their sick. 15 Now when it became evening, the disciples came to him saying: This place is [a] desert and the hour has already past. Therefore disperse the crowd so having gone into the towns they may buy themselves bread. 16 But Jesus said to them: They have no need to be going. You give to them to be eating. 17 But they say to him: We do not have here but five loaves and two fishes. 18 So he says: Be bringing them here to me. 19 And having ordered the crowd to lay back on the grass, taking the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up to heaven he gave thanks, and having broken [them] he gave to the disciples the loaves, and disciples [gave] [them] to the crowd. 20 And all ate and were fattened. And they took the surplus of the fragments, twelve baskets full. 21 And those eating were about five thousand men apart from women and children.Walking on Water
22 And he compelled his disciples to embark in the boat and go to the other side, until he disperse the crowd. 23 And having dispersed the crowd he went up to [a] mountain by himself to pray. 24 Now the boat was already many stadions away from the land, being put to the test by the swells, for the wind was against them. 25 So in the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea. 26 Now the disciples having seen him walking on the sea, they were frightened saying: It is [a] ghost, and they screamed from fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying: Take courage, It is I, Be not fearing. 28 But Peter answering said to him: Lord if it is you, order me to be coming to you on the water. 29 So he said: Come. And coming out of the boat Peter walked on the water and came towards Jesus. 30 But seeing the strong6 wind he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out saying: Lord, save me. 31 So immediately Jesus having stretched out his hand laid hold of him, and says to him: O little-faith, why did you doubt7? 32 And when they came into the boat the wind abated. 33 And those in the boat worshipped him saying: Truly you are [the] son of God.34 And having come to the other side they went on the land to Gennesaret. 35 And the men of that place having knowledge of him, they sent into all that surrounding region, and brought to him all those having [it] evil-ly, 36 And they were calling out to him in order that they only grasp8 the hem of his robe; and whoever grasped9 [it] was made whole.
1KAIROS (καιρoς ) `opportune time', `proper time', `season'
2or "report," "hearsay"
3or "abilities"
4"professed," "agreed"
5AITEO "ay-TEH-oh" (αιτεω) "request", "demand", "beg" something for oneself. Far from humbly requesting—it's more like 'demanding'. Jesus uses AITEO only of the prayer of others, not of His own (cf. John.16:26)—and not requesting things for Himself, only for others. AITEO seems to suppose a lesser degree of intimacy than EROTAO (ερωταω), hence AITEO is used of the requests of the disciples to God, but EROTAO of the requests of the disciples to Jesus, and of those of Jesus to the Father ( John.14:16). AITEO is demanding/begging/pleading, EROTAO is polite and friendlier. Both AITEO and EROTAO occur in John.16:26.
6"strong" DWK; omit: ℵB
7or "Why were you at a loss?"
8or "touch"
9or "touched"